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67 products found
  • Basics of Ecology, The (23)
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    Basics of Ecology, The (23)

    Studying ecology today is more valuable than it has ever been because of pollution and other environmental factors continuing to be a mainstream issue of concern across the globe. This volume engages the reader with bright images of animals and other life in their natural settings and informs readers on what is being done to preserve life. Sidebars and biographies of important figures helps make this a well-rounded learning experience. It is a valuable resource for any reader concerned about the environment.
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    • $29.83
  • Sandy Feet! Whose Feet?: Footprints at the Shore (19)
    • 35% less

    Sandy Feet! Whose Feet?: Footprints at the Shore (19)

    When a family spends a day at the beach, the children investigate various footprints to see what type of creatures live along the shoreline. Rhyming text turns a sandy beach into an outdoor classroom. The tracks and habits of local wildlife, including hopping sandpipers, scuttling crabs, and burrowing turtles, are identified and explained for young ecology detectives. Even Daddy's feet make an appearance! And at day's end, it's time for tired feet to make their way home.

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    • $10.99
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  • Habitats (17)
    • 58% less

    Habitats (17)

    Earth is full of many different habitats, from marshes to mountains to the deep sea. Readers will enjoy learning about the different kinds of creatures that live in each habitat. This book also explores the concept of ecosystems and adaptations through accessible text combined with vibrant photographs. Together, the text and photographs of different kinds of habitats will open readers' eyes to the diversity of life on Earth. This round-the-world adventure through different habitats is sure to excite young readers about ecology and life science.

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    • $10.99
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  • Me and You and the Universe (20)

    Bringing together the worlds of SEL and STEM, this calming and colorful picture book illustrates how we are all connected. By taking the reader on a journey from the minuscule (cells, the building blocks of nature) to the massive (a universe that is infinite), Me and You and the Universe teaches children about universality and connectedness and fosters an appreciation for nature and our world’s ecology. Author Bernardo Marçolla beautifully articulates the importance of learning at an early age to look up to the sky and, as we see the stars, to know that we are part of them. The world will remain the same, but if we open our eyes and our hearts, our experience will be completely different.
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    • $16.99
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  • All About Rain Forests (18)
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    All About Rain Forests (18)

    What can you find in a rain forest? From chattering birds and sleepy sloths, the tall trees of the rain forest are full of life! Discovering the secrets of the rain forest will captivate beginning readers. All Little Pebble Books&have an Accelerated Reader ATOS level of 1.0 or below.

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  • Rainforest Habitats (25)
    • 20% less

    Rainforest Habitats (25)

    Rainforest habitats are some of the most biodiverse places on Earth. This means they have an abundance of different kinds of living things—including some found nowhere else on Earth. Readers are invited to explore these incredible habitats with the help of simple, focused text, colorful photographs, and cute illustrations. At-level language encourages independent reading, and the creative design helps draw in reluctant readers. This vibrant guide to rainforests expands on essential elementary science concepts, such as plant biology, adaptations, and ecology. It also fosters a strong appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.
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    • $20.98
  • Plants and Their Environments (17)
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    Plants and Their Environments (17)

    We can't survive without plants. Luckily, they live in every habitat on Earth! This information-rich title explores the plants that live in Earth's oceans, grasslands, mountains, deserts, tundra, rain forests, and even in our own backyards. Readers will learn about the relationship between plants and their environments and how they affect each other. Age-appropriate text makes biology concepts accessible for readers of all levels. Detailed color photographs of plants and their habitats accompany the text, rounding out a comprehensive learning experience.

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    • $10.99
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  • Life Cycles (17)
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    Life Cycles (17)

    Earth is home to millions of plant and animal species, and each one has a unique life cycle. Written to support important elementary science concepts, this title walks readers through the life cycles of many commonly known plants and animals. The text helps readers visualize the way species live and grow and why each stage of a life cycle is important to a creature's development. Highly detailed photographs accompany the information-rich science content, allowing readers to visualize key concepts. Readers will delight in this up-close look at creatures and their life cycles.
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  • Humans and the Hydrosphere: Protecting Earth's Water Sources (18)
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    Humans and the Hydrosphere: Protecting Earth's Water Sources (18)

    The hydrosphere encompasses all water on Earth—from glaciers and ice to rivers and oceans. People use water every day. This title asks the question, how much do you use? Readers will learn how humans use water, how humans positively and negatively affect water, and how to protect the water supply. Meets Next Generation Science Standards.

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    • $10.99
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  • Las cadenas alimentarias en el jardín (Backyard Food Chains) (15)
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    Las cadenas alimentarias en el jardín (Backyard Food Chains) (15)

    Every backyard is its own habitat for many different living things. Readers learn how these living things are connected as they pass energy to one another. Plants, insects, mammals, and other creatures are linked through backyard food chains, and, as readers will see, these food chains come together to form a large backyard food web. A helpful food web diagram is presented alongside engaging text and fact boxes. Readers see even the tiniest backyard critters up close through colorful, detailed photographs.
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  • Las cadenas alimentarias en la poza de marea (Tide Pool Food Chains) (15)
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    Las cadenas alimentarias en la poza de marea (Tide Pool Food Chains) (15)

    Even the smallest tide pools are actually entire ecosystems! The creatures that call a tide pool home are connected through food chains that represent the passing of energy from one living thing to another. Readers discover how these unique food chains all come together as they view a helpful tide pool food web. Fun fact boxes accompany informative text about life in a tide pool. Detailed photographs of tide pool ecosystems introduce readers to a variety of cool creatures.
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  • Las cadenas alimentarias en el bosque (Forest Food Chains) (15)
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    Las cadenas alimentarias en el bosque (Forest Food Chains) (15)

    A forest is an ecosystem with a variety of plant and animal life—from trees to deer. These plants and animals are connected through food chains, or the passing of energy from one living thing to another. In this volume, readers explore a forest for themselves, learning about the living things that can be found there. Informative text and fun fact boxes explain the connections between forest creatures, and vibrant photographs of forest wildlife fill each page. Readers can even visualize the way food chains come together as they study a detailed forest food web.
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    • $10.99
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  • Las cadenas alimentarias en el desierto (Desert Food Chains) (15)
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    Las cadenas alimentarias en el desierto (Desert Food Chains) (15)

    Which animals and plants can survive in a dry desert environment? Readers learn about the living things that make up desert food chains, including cacti, snakes, and scorpions. Colorful photographs of desert life make readers feel like they’re exploring new parts of this habitat with each turn of the page. Fact boxes provide additional information about the creatures that make up desert food chains, and a detailed food web shows how these food chains all come together. The desert is an extreme habitat, and readers will enjoy learning about the extreme plants and animals that live there.
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    • $10.99
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  • Protecting the Environment Through Service Learning (15)
    • 70% less

    Protecting the Environment Through Service Learning (15)

    Because protecting environmental resources has become an issue of scientific, political, and historical import, service-learning projects that serve the planet have become an important part of a wide range of curricula. Students will find a wealth of opportunities both at home and abroad that will directly impact the Earth’s wildlife, aquatic health, and natural resources. This engaging volume surveys the various projects available to students interested in using service learning to find solutions to local and global environmental issues. Readers also learn how to tie projects to coursework and apply their skills to future pursuits.
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    • $10.99
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  • Ecological Issues (14)
    • 96% less

    Ecological Issues (14)

    Africa is well known for its fascinating wildlife and its abundant natural resources. However, the continents resources are shrinking rapidly as a result of industrialization and population growth. In recent years scientists have seen a dramatic loss in wildlife and habitat, an increase in air and water pollution, and disturbing signs of climate change. This book discusses the ecological issues facing Africa today, including deforestation and desertification, threats to the continents biodiversity, pollution, and shortages of safe drinking water. It also explains steps some African leaders are taking to address and resolve these serious problems.
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    • $1.00
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  • Digging Mines and Wells (19)
    • 53% less

    Digging Mines and Wells (19)

    This essential earth science guide introduces students to the many benefits mines and wells bring to civilization. It also touches on the need for natural resource management and the importance of mitigating the environmental hazards associated with digging mines and wells. Several processes for extracting resources such as water, oil, salt, gold, and coal are also explored. Detailed photographs of mines, wells, and related technologies will strengthen reader comprehension and knowledge of STEM concepts.
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    • $10.99
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  • Fashion (14)
    • 97% less

    Fashion (14)

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    . Students interested in fashion learn what it takes to become young entrepreneurs in the industry. Successful fashion moguls are spotlighted, and step-by-step instructions are given to jump-start the thought process of starting a business in fashion. Questions throughout the book challenge critical thinking. Common Core State Standards Connections: RI: Multiple POV; Mulitple reading level, profiles and biographies, Q&A format, peer and expert views, WWWW and H activities, visual organization tools (tables), Statistics, Pro/Con Activities, Project modelling, Evident text priorities, chapter/spread summaries etc. RF: Decoded words, text structured consistently, Boxed intormation, RW: Fact summaries, Evidence information for supportive writing, Graphic organizers, statistics, Expert views, extended learning resources, audience identification, "You Can Do It" proposals with step by step instructions; SL Argument and Inquiry based, Q&A, and basic to detailed information hierarchy, L text complexity for Middle School and above.
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    • $1.00
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  • Over on a Mountain: Somewhere in the World (15)
    • 81% less

    Over on a Mountain: Somewhere in the World (15)

    This book captures the wonderful diversity of the world's mountains with illustrations that make you want to touch the animals and landscapes. A great interactive book for young kids with enough accurate background information to be educational for the adults. Discover twenty cool animals, ten great mountain ranges, and seven continents all in one story! And do it in the age-old style of children the world over - by clapping, counting, singing, and acting like . . . Well, animals! What fun!
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    • $4.99
    Only 9 left in stock
  • Environmental Science (16)
    • 48% less

    Environmental Science (16)

    Why is the Earth warming up? Why does recycling work? How do we make sure the water we drink is safe? The answers to all those questions-and more-are in science . . . and in this book. The environment covers a pretty huge area, of course, and in this book, we cover some of the key parts that affect you and your family. And it's not just the environment-science is all around us, every hour of every day. Discover more ways that science is a part of our lives in SCIENCE 24-7! Each title in this series contains color photos, diagrams explaining key science concepts, hands-on activities, and back matter including: an index, further reading lists for books and internet resources, and a series glossary. Mason Crest's editorial team has placed Key Icons to Look for throughout the books in this series in an effort to encourage library readers to build knowledge, gain awareness, explore possibilities and expand their viewpoints through our content rich non-fiction books. Key Icons are as follows: Words to Understand are shown at the front of each chapter with definitions. These words are then used in the prose throughout that chapter, and are emboldened, so that the reader is able to reference back to the definitions- building their vocabulary and enhancing their reading comprehension. Sidebars are highlighted graphics with content rich material within that allows readers to build knowledge and broaden their perspectives by weaving together additional information to provide realistic and holistic perspectives. A Series Glossary of Key Terms is included in the back matter contains terminology used throughout the series. Words found here broaden the reader's knowledge and understanding of terms used in this field.
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  • Protecting Our Planet (18)
    • 68% less

    Protecting Our Planet (18)

    Explore beyond the headlines on the topic of the environment, learning how this issue is treated in the news and how to separate truth from spin.

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    Only 7 left in stock
  • Making Dams and Reservoirs (19)
    • 53% less

    Making Dams and Reservoirs (19)

    Dams and reservoirs are essential aspects of human life today. Without these structures, many people living in areas where water is naturally scarce would be left high and dry. Dams and reservoirs can occur naturally. However, people often interfere with nature to create their own. Damming rivers and creating reservoirs isn't always a completely beneficial practice. To create a reservoir, large areas of land have to be sacrificed. This book explores the processes associated with damming rivers and building reservoirs as well as the positive and negative outcomes of doing so.
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  • Forest Creatures (19)
    • 55% less

    Forest Creatures (19)

    How many different kinds of creatures live in the forest? Where do they make their homes within the forest? What kinds of things do they eat? Questions such as these are answered in this age-appropriate text about the biodiversity that exists in forests. This common science curriculum topic is clearly communicated to help inform young readers about this common biome and all the living creatures within it. Helpful fact boxes, a detailed glossary, and eye-catching, full-color photographs add extra insight into this educational and engaging topic, which is sure to spark an interest in nature and conservation.
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    • $10.99
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  • Thank You, Earth (18)
    • 50% less

    Thank You, Earth (18)

    Acclaimed children’s book author and photographer April Pulley Sayre’s love letter to Earth is a stunning exploration of the beauty and complexity of the world around us. Remarkable photographs and a rich, layered text introduce concepts of science, nature, geography, biology, poetry, and community. April Pulley Sayre, award-winning photographer and acclaimed author of more than sixty-five books, introduces concepts of science, nature, and language arts through stunning photographs and a poetic text structured as a simple thank-you note. Touching on subjects from life cycles to weather, colors, shapes, and patterns, this is an ideal resource for science and language art curriculums and a terrific book for bedtime sharing. Thank You, Earth is a great choice for Earth Day celebrations, as well as family and group read-alouds. Includes backmatter with kid-friendly ideas for conservation projects information about the photographs, and additional resources.

    Book Reviews: “Colorful photographs and large, bold text fulfill the title’s promise. The photographs are top-notch...Little ones will enjoy the verses and photographs at face value, while elementary school-aged students may well read the simple—although far from simplistic—verses right through to the weightier prose at the end.” (Kirkus Reviews) “The carefully crafted verse, with its rhymes and repeated sounds, should be a pleasure to read aloud—Sayre’s skillful use of enjambment is notable, too. ...A splendid marriage of poetry and photography.” (School Library Journal (starred review))

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    • $8.99
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  • How to Track a Rhinoceros (14)
    • 96% less

    How to Track a Rhinoceros (14)

    This title focuses on the two rhinoceros species that live in Africa: the white rhino and the black rhino. Along with plenty of other details about life in a rhino herd, readers will encounter the middens, or dung piles, that rhinos use to mark their territory. They will also learn about the rhino's unfortunately imperiled state and the attempts to save it.
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    • $1.00
    Only 1 left in stock
Products: 124 of 67