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5 products found
  • Animales verdes (25)
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    Animales verdes (25)

    What do tree frogs, parrots, and praying mantis have in common? All of them are green and use their color to camouflage with their surroundings! Wild animals come in all sizes and colors. Translated into North American Spanish, this beginning reader book highlights nature's green animals while reinforcing key Spanish vocabulary with a search-and-find feature. Carefully controlled text and excellent photos will have early readers flipping through the pages. Picture prompts and an answer key provide visual support, making this the perfect book to teach kindergarten readers about animals that are green.

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    • $21.95
  • Todo sobre las anacondas verdes de América del Sur (25)
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    Todo sobre las anacondas verdes de América del Sur (25)

    La anaconda es un depredador poderoso que vive en los pantanos y ríosde América del Sur. La anaconda verde es una de las serpientes máslargas del mundo, ¡es casi tan larga como un autobús escolar! Descubremás acerca de esta constrictora fantástica en Todo sobre las anacondas verdes, uno de los libros que componen nuestra serie Animales Alrededordel Mundo. Cada título está bellamente ilustrado con fotografías grandesy atractivas, un mapa y un glosario. ¡Asegúrate de leerlos todos!
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    • $23.00
  • Scooby-Doo! and the Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde: The Ghostly Gaze (18)
    • 61% less

    Scooby-Doo! and the Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde: The Ghostly Gaze (18)

    A ghostly face is appearing in the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde. It has the visitors spooked! It's up to Scooby and Mystery Inc. to solve the case. Readers join the gang as they explore the cliff dwellings, learn about the ancient Anasazi who called these dwellings home, and use the clues to solve the mystery.
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    • $10.99
    Only 1 left in stock
  • Historic Places (24)
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    Historic Places (24)

    Walk in the footsteps of founders on this adventure through history. This title introduces readers to the ancient Indigenous homes of Mesa Verde and the forts, battlefields, and halls that shaped our nation today. Part of our 21st Century Skills Library, this series introduces concepts of natural sciences and social studies centered around a sense of adventure.
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    • $22.45
  • Sallie Bee Writes a Thank-You Note (22)

    When a surprise comes in the mail from Grandma, Sallie wants to text her right away: Thanks, Grandma!

    But wait—how will Grandma know what Sallie is thanking her for and how it makes her feel? And every proper thank-you needs some swirlies, right? This calls for something special: a handwritten note.

    The next day, Sallie hopes to get another package so she can write a second note. Nothing comes. But . . . she does get safely across the street on the way to school. Maybe that deserves a thank you!

    Dear Crossing Guard . . .

    With each new day, Sallie discovers more and more reasons to feel grateful. A warm and witty story about appreciating others, Sallie BeeWrites a Thank-You Note celebrates the simple kindness of saying “thank you.”

    The book also includes tips on how to write the perfect thank-you note!

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    • $17.99