Bad Kitty Does Not Like Snow (16)
It's snowing. Kitty has never seen snow. So Kitty looks it up on the computer. Snow is wet. Snow is cold. Snow is slippery. Okay. Bad Kitty can handle this. She'll just put on her snow gear and try. . .
SeriesBad Kitty (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
Publisher or imprintMacmillan
AuthorBruel, Nick
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8" x 8"
Reading InterestPreK,K,1,2,3
# of Pages24
Date Published2016
SubjectFiction Bad Kitty Storybook Weather Winter Snow Precipitation
It's snowing. Kitty has never seen snow. So Kitty looks it up on the computer. Snow is wet. Snow is cold. Snow is slippery. Okay. Bad Kitty can handle this. She'll just put on her snow gear and try. . .