What If You Were on the European Front in World War II?: An Interactive History Adventure (23)

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Adolf Hitlers Nazi forces have violently conquered lands across Europe. They have created brutal camps where Jews, prisoners of war, and other perceived enemies work themselves to death. You are fighting against the Nazis on the frontlines in Europe. YOU CHOOSE what part will you play in fighting for freedom. Are you willing to pay the ultimate price?
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    Market price: $34.65, you save $8.66
  • $25.99
    • SKU
  • Series
    You Choose: World War II Frontlines
  • Manufacturer
    Capstone (Capstone Press, Cantata Learning, Compass Point, Heinemann-Raintree, Picture Window & Stone Arch)
  • Publisher
    Capstone Press: You Choose Books
  • Publisher or imprint
    Capstone Press: You Choose Books
  • Author
    Doeden, Matt
  • ISBN-13
  • Format
  • Size
    5 1/4 x 7 1/2
  • Reading Interest
  • # of Pages
  • Dewey Decimal
  • Guided Reading Level
  • Date Published
  • Subject
    Fiction, Chapter Book, You Choose, History, World War II, Europe
Adolf Hitlers Nazi forces have violently conquered lands across Europe. They have created brutal camps where Jews, prisoners of war, and other perceived enemies work themselves to death. You are fighting against the Nazis on the frontlines in Europe. YOU CHOOSE what part will you play in fighting for freedom. Are you willing to pay the ultimate price?

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