Cycle Sports (20)
Women athletes go the distance in this text's exploration of supergirls who cycle. These world-class athletes are in races that span from just a few miles to over 4,000 miles. It's important they stay physically and mentally fit to do so. Readers can explore the stories of women athletes who have shaped these cycling sports. Readers also learn about experiencing the sports for themselves, whether as a hobby or as a new career. Engaging text and full-color photographs transport the reader from the page to the road.
SeriesSports for Supergirls
ManufacturerGareth Stevens
PublisherGareth Stevens
Publisher or imprintGareth Stevens
AuthorSpilsbury, Louise
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size7 1/3" x 9 1/3"
Reading Interest4,5,6
# of Pages48
Dewey Decimal796.6--dc23
Guided Reading LevelT
Date Published2020
Women athletes go the distance in this text's exploration of supergirls who cycle. These world-class athletes are in races that span from just a few miles to over 4,000 miles. It's important they stay physically and mentally fit to do so. Readers can explore the stories of women athletes who have shaped these cycling sports. Readers also learn about experiencing the sports for themselves, whether as a hobby or as a new career. Engaging text and full-color photographs transport the reader from the page to the road.