Batman is Kind (18)
Batman may spend his days and nights protecting Gotham City from some notorious villains, but he’s always ready to stop and show some kindness. Learn to be just as kind with this 8x8 storybook inspired by everyone’s favorite caped crusader! Saving the day and spreading kindness! When a suspicious storm hits Gotham City and a flood of relentless mayhem ensues, how does Batman stem the tide? He calls upon his allies to do what they do best—right wrongs, promote justice, and perform amazing acts of kindness. Bonus content in the back of this book expands on the concept of being kind. Copyright © 2018 DC Comics. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics.
SeriesBatman (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
PublisherSimon & Schuster
Publisher or imprintSimon & Schuster
AuthorSpinner, Cala
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8" x 8"
Reading InterestK,1,2,3
# of Pages24
Date Published2018
SubjectFiction Character Education Picture Book Batman Kindness Adventure Heroes
Batman may spend his days and nights protecting Gotham City from some notorious villains, but he’s always ready to stop and show some kindness. Learn to be just as kind with this 8x8 storybook inspired by everyone’s favorite caped crusader! Saving the day and spreading kindness! When a suspicious storm hits Gotham City and a flood of relentless mayhem ensues, how does Batman stem the tide? He calls upon his allies to do what they do best—right wrongs, promote justice, and perform amazing acts of kindness. Bonus content in the back of this book expands on the concept of being kind. Copyright © 2018 DC Comics. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics.