Star Wars: Chewie and the Courageous Kid (18)
A Wookiee is a girl's best friend! When Chewbacca meets young Zarro on and Outer Rim planet, he has no choice but to set aside his own mission to help her rescue her father from a dangerous mine.
SeriesStar Wars (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
PublisherHachette Book Group: HBG
Publisher or imprintHachette Book Group: HBG
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8" x 8"
Reading Interest1,2,3
# of Pages24
Date Published2018
A Wookiee is a girl's best friend! When Chewbacca meets young Zarro on and Outer Rim planet, he has no choice but to set aside his own mission to help her rescue her father from a dangerous mine.