Mapping North America (14)
Including the Great Plains of the United States and the huge icebergs of Greenland, North America is a continent with a wide range of geography, climate, and cultures. Colorful photographs will invite readers to visit the many scenes North America has to offer‚í„í®from the smallest Caribbean Island to icy northern Canada. Fun fact boxes accompany curriculum-based social studies content, including how to read population, climate, and political maps. Latitude and longitude, the cardinal directions, and major landforms also engage readers with the continent as a whole.
SeriesMapping the World
ManufacturerGareth Stevens
PublisherGareth Stevens: Learning Library
Publisher or imprintGareth Stevens: Learning Library
AuthorJankowski, Emily
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Reading Interest1,2,3,4,5
# of Pages24
Accelerated Reading Quiz#160247
Accelerated Reading Level4.6
Dewey Decimal917
Date Published2014
Including the Great Plains of the United States and the huge icebergs of Greenland, North America is a continent with a wide range of geography, climate, and cultures. Colorful photographs will invite readers to visit the many scenes North America has to offer‚í„í®from the smallest Caribbean Island to icy northern Canada. Fun fact boxes accompany curriculum-based social studies content, including how to read population, climate, and political maps. Latitude and longitude, the cardinal directions, and major landforms also engage readers with the continent as a whole.