Monster Mash: A Halloween Story (19)
It's time for a Super Monsters Halloween! When the sun goes down at Pitchfork Pines Preschool, the kids transform into their Super Monster selves -- ready for a fun night. But Halloween is in trouble in their town! It'll take teamwork, superpowers, and even the Monster Mash for the Super Monsters to save Halloween.
SeriesSuper Monsters (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
Publisher or imprintScholastic
AuthorSimon, Jenne
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8" x 8"
Reading InterestPreK,K,1,2
# of Pages24
Date Published2019
It's time for a Super Monsters Halloween! When the sun goes down at Pitchfork Pines Preschool, the kids transform into their Super Monster selves -- ready for a fun night. But Halloween is in trouble in their town! It'll take teamwork, superpowers, and even the Monster Mash for the Super Monsters to save Halloween.