Zoom in on Domestic Robots (18)
Wouldn't you love to never do mundane tasks again? Press a few buttons and put your very own robot on the job. Domestic robots are already helping us with some tasks around the house. From picking up toys to feeding the family pet to mowing the lawn, researchers are designing robots to do all kinds of tasks. Help your readers discover all the cool ways that robots are making our lives better at home. This volume includes a hands-on activity that will help students learn more about science and supports the NGSS K-2 Engineering Design Standards.
SeriesZoom in on Robots
ManufacturerEnslow Publishing
PublisherEnslow Publishing
Publisher or imprintEnslow Publishing
AuthorSherman, Jill
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 1/2" x 7 1/4"
Reading InterestK,1,2,3,4
# of Pages24
Dewey Decimal629.8/92--dc23
Guided Reading LevelF
Date Published2018
Wouldn't you love to never do mundane tasks again? Press a few buttons and put your very own robot on the job. Domestic robots are already helping us with some tasks around the house. From picking up toys to feeding the family pet to mowing the lawn, researchers are designing robots to do all kinds of tasks. Help your readers discover all the cool ways that robots are making our lives better at home. This volume includes a hands-on activity that will help students learn more about science and supports the NGSS K-2 Engineering Design Standards.