Zoom in on Physical Maps (18)
Readers will learn how to use maps to locate the world's oceans, rivers, mountains, and deserts. This graphic-rich book not only explains the important features of physical maps and why people use them, but it teaches the all-important skills of reading maps. From a compass rose and legend, to color coding and latitude and longitude lines, students get a taste for the basics of map reading. A follow-up activity allows students to pinpoint directions to a few secret locations around the globe.
SeriesZoom in on Maps
ManufacturerEnslow Publishing
PublisherEnslow Publishing
Publisher or imprintEnslow Publishing
AuthorFurgang, Kathy
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 1/2" x 7 1/4"
Reading InterestK,1,2,3,4
# of Pages24
Dewey Decimal912--dc23
Guided Reading LevelG
Date Published2018
Readers will learn how to use maps to locate the world's oceans, rivers, mountains, and deserts. This graphic-rich book not only explains the important features of physical maps and why people use them, but it teaches the all-important skills of reading maps. From a compass rose and legend, to color coding and latitude and longitude lines, students get a taste for the basics of map reading. A follow-up activity allows students to pinpoint directions to a few secret locations around the globe.