Zoom in on Satellite and Street Maps (18)
This visual and instructive look at satellite maps and street maps helps readers understand the symbols, road markings, and land features of these types of maps. Concentration on a smaller area helps readers really study them carefully. A follow-up activity encourages readers to draw their own street map of their town or neighborhood.
SeriesZoom in on Maps
ManufacturerEnslow Publishing
PublisherEnslow Publishing
Publisher or imprintEnslow Publishing
AuthorFurgang, Kathy
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 1/2" x 7 1/4"
Reading InterestK,1,2,3,4
# of Pages24
Dewey Decimal912.01/4--dc23
Guided Reading LevelG
Date Published2018
This visual and instructive look at satellite maps and street maps helps readers understand the symbols, road markings, and land features of these types of maps. Concentration on a smaller area helps readers really study them carefully. A follow-up activity encourages readers to draw their own street map of their town or neighborhood.