Skunks in the Forest (23)
Many people dislike skunks, but this is primarily due to misconceptions about them. For instance, they are not normally smelly creatures, and they do not pose a threat to humans. In fact, they are beneficial, as they eat creatures that tend to ruin gardens. They also scavenge animal carcasses, which removes carrion from the environment. Through full-color photographs, informative fact boxes, and a detailed graphic organizer, readers learn all about the vital role skunks play in a forest ecosystem. A list of books and websites provides a jumping-off point for further research.
SeriesForest Creatures
ManufacturerGareth Stevens
PublisherGareth Stevens
Publisher or imprintGareth Stevens
AuthorLombardo, Jennifer
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8.5 x 8.5
Reading Interest2,3,4,5
# of Pages24
Guided Reading LevelL
Date Published2023
Many people dislike skunks, but this is primarily due to misconceptions about them. For instance, they are not normally smelly creatures, and they do not pose a threat to humans. In fact, they are beneficial, as they eat creatures that tend to ruin gardens. They also scavenge animal carcasses, which removes carrion from the environment. Through full-color photographs, informative fact boxes, and a detailed graphic organizer, readers learn all about the vital role skunks play in a forest ecosystem. A list of books and websites provides a jumping-off point for further research.