Spider Monkeys (23)
Swing on over! The wild world of spider monkeys is waiting for you. This title introduces readers to the habitat, eating and social habits, survival threats, and physical characteristics of spider monkeys.
SeriesWild About Animals
ManufacturerKaleidoscope Books
PublisherKaleidoscope: Bigfoot Books
Publisher or imprintKaleidoscope: Bigfoot Books
AuthorMarie, Renata
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size6.5" x 9"
Reading Interest2,3,4,5
# of Pages32
Word Count1200
Dewey Decimal590.1
Date Published2023
SubjectNonfiction Life Science Animals Spider Monkeys
Swing on over! The wild world of spider monkeys is waiting for you. This title introduces readers to the habitat, eating and social habits, survival threats, and physical characteristics of spider monkeys.