Suits of Armor (13)
LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE - Hurry While Supplies Last - - Spinning out of the events of Iron Man 2 and this summer's The Avengers, comes the next chapter in the life of billionaire inventor Tony Stark, otherwise known as the Invincible Iron Man!
SeriesMarvel Classic: Iron Man 3 (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
PublisherHachette Book Group: HBG
Publisher or imprintHachette Book Group: HBG
AuthorPalacios & Davis
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8" x 8"
Reading Interest1,2,3
# of Pages24
Accelerated Reading Quiz#-
Date Published2013
SubjectWarehouse Sale Fiction Picture Book Super Hero Reluctant Reader Marvel Iron Man
LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE - Hurry While Supplies Last - - Spinning out of the events of Iron Man 2 and this summer's The Avengers, comes the next chapter in the life of billionaire inventor Tony Stark, otherwise known as the Invincible Iron Man!