Emperor's Egg, The - Big Book (03)

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Can you imagine spending the winter outdoors in Antarctica without anything at all to eat? Thats just what the male Emperor penguin does. While his mate is off swimming in the ocean and catching loads of fish, he stands around in the freezing cold with an egg on his feet for two whole months, keeping it warm and waiting for it to hatch. This charming, oversize picture book is full of fabulous facts about natures most devoted dad. "Students who are wild about penguins and classrooms doing units on them will find The Emperor's Egg an action-packed read." School Library Journal

  • $27.99
    • SKU
  • Series
    Big Book Editions
  • Publisher
  • Publisher or imprint
  • Author
    Jenkins, Martin
  • ISBN-13
  • Format
    Big Book Paperback
  • Size
    16.3 x 14.8
  • Reading Interest
  • # of Pages
  • Reviews / Awards Noted
  • Date Published
  • Subject
    Fiction Big Book Nonfiction Emperor Penguins Eggs Antarctica

Can you imagine spending the winter outdoors in Antarctica without anything at all to eat? Thats just what the male Emperor penguin does. While his mate is off swimming in the ocean and catching loads of fish, he stands around in the freezing cold with an egg on his feet for two whole months, keeping it warm and waiting for it to hatch. This charming, oversize picture book is full of fabulous facts about natures most devoted dad. "Students who are wild about penguins and classrooms doing units on them will find The Emperor's Egg an action-packed read." School Library Journal

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