Growing and Changing (25)
From the moment you’re born to the moment you die, your body is constantly changing. Body parts grow larger, emotions change, and some things may begin looking different than they used to. Readers learn about the ways their bodies change as they grow older, as the volume explores male and female puberty, changes throughout adolescence, and changes throughout adulthood. Age-appropriate illustrations and accessible captions detail the experiences explored throughout, as readers connect with the text and understand the processes that happen as they age.
SeriesYour Body and You
ManufacturerRosen and PowerKids
Publisher or imprintPowerKids Press
AuthorGaneri, Anita
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8.5 X 11
Reading Interest1,2,3,4
# of Pages32
Guided Reading LevelK
Date Published2024
From the moment you’re born to the moment you die, your body is constantly changing. Body parts grow larger, emotions change, and some things may begin looking different than they used to. Readers learn about the ways their bodies change as they grow older, as the volume explores male and female puberty, changes throughout adolescence, and changes throughout adulthood. Age-appropriate illustrations and accessible captions detail the experiences explored throughout, as readers connect with the text and understand the processes that happen as they age.