Spine-Chilling Ghostly Sightings (25)
Some individuals admit to having seen a ghost or felt the presence of one. But no scientific evidence exists showing that ghosts are real. What does it mean when you feel a presence, but no one is there? Take a trip into some ghostly encounters!
SeriesScary Stories
ManufacturerKaleidoscope Books
Publisher or imprintKaleidoscope: Bigfoot Books
AuthorMason, Jenny
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size6.5 x 9
Reading Interest2,3,4,5
# of Pages32
Date Published2024
Some individuals admit to having seen a ghost or felt the presence of one. But no scientific evidence exists showing that ghosts are real. What does it mean when you feel a presence, but no one is there? Take a trip into some ghostly encounters!