CeCe Loves Science (18)
Cece, a budding and inquisitive scientist, and her equally curious best friend, Isaac, conduct experiments to see whether Cece's dog, Einstein, will eat his vegetables.
SeriesSingle Picture Books
PublisherHarper Collins
Publisher or imprintHarper Collins
AuthorDerting, Kimberly
Size9" x 10 1/2"
Reading InterestPreK,K,1,2,3
# of Pages40
Reviews / Awards NotedYes
Date Published2018
Cece, a budding and inquisitive scientist, and her equally curious best friend, Isaac, conduct experiments to see whether Cece's dog, Einstein, will eat his vegetables. Book Reviews: “Harrison’s clean, bright illustrations add expression and personality to the story. ...this endearing protagonist earns a place on the children’s STEM shelf. A good introduction to observation, data, and trying again.” (Kirkus Reviews) “Cece is a smart and curious girl who loves to get to the bottom of all her complex questions. ...Harrison’s expressive digital illustrations have a lot of energy, color, and motion...A fun way to introduce scientific methods.” (Booklist) “Excited by her teacher’s assignment to find and investigate a question, [Cece] pairs up with a partner, Isaac, to brainstorm ideas...The story includes images of an inviting science classroom and mentions a variety of sciences and a range of scientists diverse in race and gender. ... Words and pictures combine to make smooth blend of entertainment and education.” (School Library Journal)