Weather Around the World (22)
No matter where you are on Earth, weather matters! It tells us how to dress, what materials are best to build homes out of, and even how to best care for our animals. Readers of this colorful, interesting volume are given a fun, informative overview of weather. How it forms and affects human’s and wildlife are covered in accessible language. Activities at the end of the book encourage readers to explore weather further and a quiz aids in memory and comprehension of the topic.
SeriesShow Me Geography
ManufacturerGreenhaven Publishing (Greenhaven Publishing, Lucent Press and KidHaven Publishing)
PublisherKidHaven Publishing
Publisher or imprintKidHaven Publishing
AuthorDufresne, Emilie
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8.5 x 8.5
Reading Interest2,3,4
# of Pages24
Guided Reading LevelL
Date Published2022
No matter where you are on Earth, weather matters! It tells us how to dress, what materials are best to build homes out of, and even how to best care for our animals. Readers of this colorful, interesting volume are given a fun, informative overview of weather. How it forms and affects human’s and wildlife are covered in accessible language. Activities at the end of the book encourage readers to explore weather further and a quiz aids in memory and comprehension of the topic.