Weather Cycles (23)
This title introduces readers to basic weather cycles, including seasonal changes and the effects of geography on local climate. Features include a table of contents, fun facts, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the books give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. DiscoverRoo is an imprint of Pop!, a division of ABDO.
SeriesEarth Cycles
ManufacturerABDO Publishing
PublisherAbdo: Pop!: DiscoverRoo
Publisher or imprintAbdo: Pop!: DiscoverRoo
AuthorGieseke, Tyler
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size6.25 x 9
Reading Interest2,3,4,5
# of Pages32
Dewey Decimal551.6
Date Published2023
This title introduces readers to basic weather cycles, including seasonal changes and the effects of geography on local climate. Features include a table of contents, fun facts, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the books give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. DiscoverRoo is an imprint of Pop!, a division of ABDO.