Bluey: Unicorse (24)
Bluey doesn't want to go to bed, so Mum decides to read her a story, when they're interrupted by Unicorse, the most annoying unicorn in the world. Will Bluey and Mum finish the bedtime story? Read along to find out!
SeriesBluey (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
PublisherPenguin Random House
Publisher or imprintPenguin Random House
AuthorPenguin Young Readers
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8 x 8
Reading InterestPreK,K
# of Pages32
Date Published2024
SubjectFiction, Picture Book, Bluey, Dogs, Imagination, Bedtime
Bluey doesn't want to go to bed, so Mum decides to read her a story, when they're interrupted by Unicorse, the most annoying unicorn in the world. Will Bluey and Mum finish the bedtime story? Read along to find out!