Joe Burrow: Football Playmaker (24)
Young star quarterback Joe Burrow is a born football playmaker. He fought back from a serious injury his rookie season to take his team to the Super Bowl the next year. Burrow has impressed teammates, coaches, and fans with his determination and strong work ethic. Get more details about his journey to NFL stardom.
SeriesSports Illustrated Kids: Stars of Sports
ManufacturerCapstone (Capstone Press, Cantata Learning, Compass Point, Heinemann-Raintree, Picture Window & Stone Arch)
Publisher or imprintCapstone Captivate
AuthorBolte, Mari
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size7 x 9
Reading Interest3,4,5
# of Pages32
Date Published2024
SubjectNonfiction, Biography, Sports Illustrated, Sports, NFL, Football
Young star quarterback Joe Burrow is a born football playmaker. He fought back from a serious injury his rookie season to take his team to the Super Bowl the next year. Burrow has impressed teammates, coaches, and fans with his determination and strong work ethic. Get more details about his journey to NFL stardom.