Littlest Grito, The (25)
The morning before Diez y Seis de Septiembre, Gloria's Papa wakes up with laryngitis. A disaster! The festivities cannot start without a loud grito to kick the party off--and a Hernandez has always yelled the grito for as long as anyone can remember. When Gloria offers her own grito--and Papa backs her up--the mayor has to agree. But what has she done?! How will she find the courage to yell the grito with the heart it needs? Gloria needs some help from her community and her Papa to find her voice.
SeriesSingle Picture Books
ManufacturerCherry Lake Publishing/Sleeping Bear Press
Publisher or imprintSleeping Bear Press
AuthorSolis, Nicholas
Size9 x 11
Reading InterestK,1,2,3
# of Pages32
Date Published2024
The morning before Diez y Seis de Septiembre, Gloria's Papa wakes up with laryngitis. A disaster! The festivities cannot start without a loud grito to kick the party off--and a Hernandez has always yelled the grito for as long as anyone can remember. When Gloria offers her own grito--and Papa backs her up--the mayor has to agree. But what has she done?! How will she find the courage to yell the grito with the heart it needs? Gloria needs some help from her community and her Papa to find her voice.