Motorcycle Queen: The Life of Bessie Stringfield (25)
"On her motorcycle, Bessie felt free." A woman riding a motorcycle was shocking enough to Americans in the 1930s, but one who performed stunts and traveled cross-country by herself was practically unheard of! Ever defying expectations, Bessie Stringfield made an indelible mark as the "Motorcycle Queen," but her story has often been overlooked. Revived here by author Janie Havemeyer and illustrator Jean Claverie, Bessie's daring exploits showcase a woman of grit and determination who met life head on--and astride a motorbike.
SeriesSingle Picture Books
ManufacturerCreative Company, The (Amicus, Black Rabbit Books, Bookstaves and Creative)
Publisher or imprintCreative Editions
AuthorHavemeyer, Janie
Size10.25 x 10.25
Reading Interest3,4,5,6,7
# of Pages32
Dewey Decimal796.7
Date Published2024
"On her motorcycle, Bessie felt free." A woman riding a motorcycle was shocking enough to Americans in the 1930s, but one who performed stunts and traveled cross-country by herself was practically unheard of! Ever defying expectations, Bessie Stringfield made an indelible mark as the "Motorcycle Queen," but her story has often been overlooked. Revived here by author Janie Havemeyer and illustrator Jean Claverie, Bessie's daring exploits showcase a woman of grit and determination who met life head on--and astride a motorbike.