Night Before Kwanzaa, The (23)
It's the night before Kwanzaa, and a little boy is excited to spend it with his family. Every evening, they light a candle, learn about their history, and more! Celebrate Kwanzaa in this installment of the Night Before series, told in the style of Clement C. Moore's classic tale.
SeriesNight Before, The...
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
PublisherGrosset & Dunlap
Publisher or imprintGrosset & Dunlap
AuthorWing, Natasha
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8 x 8
# of Pages32
Date Published2023
SubjectFiction, Picture Book, Celebrations, Holidays, Kwanzaa
It's the night before Kwanzaa, and a little boy is excited to spend it with his family. Every evening, they light a candle, learn about their history, and more! Celebrate Kwanzaa in this installment of the Night Before series, told in the style of Clement C. Moore's classic tale.