Peppa's Big Feelings (24)
Peppa Pig has big feelings, just like you! Find out all about them in this adorable Book Farm bound storybook!
Come along with Peppa Pig and all of her friends as they each display a different type of emotion -- from anger to sadness to frustration and excitement. Readers will instantly relate to each character's struggles and learn how to manage their own emotions with this interactive read-aloud.
SeriesPeppa Pig (8x8)
ManufacturerBook Farm Bound
Publisher or imprintScholastic
AuthorFroeb, Lori C.
FormatBook Farm Bound
Size8 x 8
Reading InterestPreK,K
# of Pages24
Date Published2024
SubjectFiction, Picture Book, Peppa Pig, Feelings
Peppa Pig has big feelings, just like you! Find out all about them in this adorable Book Farm bound storybook!
Come along with Peppa Pig and all of her friends as they each display a different type of emotion -- from anger to sadness to frustration and excitement. Readers will instantly relate to each character's struggles and learn how to manage their own emotions with this interactive read-aloud.