Visiting the Police Station (23)
Most communities have their own police force and police officers who make the police station their home base while working each day. Readers will find out what happens within the police station walls, including seeing staff talking to the community about safety, enforcing laws, and helping find lost people or items. Age-appropriate language and content will engage readers with the inner workings of this community landmark. Full-color photographs make police stations feel more familiar and accessible.
SeriesPlaces in My Community
ManufacturerEnslow Publishing
PublisherEnslow Publishing
Publisher or imprintEnslow Publishing
AuthorLynch, Seth
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 X 8
Reading Interest1,2,3
# of Pages24
Dewey Decimal363.2--dc23
Guided Reading LevelI
Date Published2023
SubjectNonfiction, Social Studies, Community Places, Police Station
Most communities have their own police force and police officers who make the police station their home base while working each day. Readers will find out what happens within the police station walls, including seeing staff talking to the community about safety, enforcing laws, and helping find lost people or items. Age-appropriate language and content will engage readers with the inner workings of this community landmark. Full-color photographs make police stations feel more familiar and accessible.