Weather (24)
Weather is a fun topic for early learners to explore. This fact-filled volume uses short, simple sentences and clear examples and explanations to gently guide readers beyond the basics of weather and into a deeper understanding of the science behind it. Essential early science concepts are highlighted with the help of colorful photographs of a wide variety of weather and diagrams with clear labels. A helpful glossary is also included to define new science terms and strengthen vocabulary skills. This exciting guide to weather is sure to inspire budding meteorologists and foster an interest in science at an early age.
SeriesStart with Science
ManufacturerGreenhaven Publishing (Greenhaven Publishing, Lucent Press and KidHaven Publishing)
Publisher or imprintKidHaven Publishing
AuthorMather, Charis
FormatReinforced Library Binding
Size8 X 8
Reading Interest1,2,3
# of Pages24
Dewey Decimal551.6--dc23
Guided Reading LevelK
Date Published2024
SubjectNonfiction, Earth Science, Weather
Weather is a fun topic for early learners to explore. This fact-filled volume uses short, simple sentences and clear examples and explanations to gently guide readers beyond the basics of weather and into a deeper understanding of the science behind it. Essential early science concepts are highlighted with the help of colorful photographs of a wide variety of weather and diagrams with clear labels. A helpful glossary is also included to define new science terms and strengthen vocabulary skills. This exciting guide to weather is sure to inspire budding meteorologists and foster an interest in science at an early age.